Month: August 2018

Top 10 Rodeo Clown Outfits

bulls eyeThere are very few things as fun to watch as a rodeo, except for maybe the clowns that attend them. They are funny to watch with their silly antics, but they also tell jokes to take your mind off the fact that the staff is setting up for the next event. The truth is, rodeo clowns have a much bigger purpose than making people laugh, and they rely on their costumes to get their job done. How do you really know which costumes are the best if you want to get involved in the rodeo? Here are the top 10 rodeo clown outfits.

Why Rodeo Clowns Need Costumes

A clown at a rodeo is doing much more than clowning around. If you ever take the time to notice, they are out on the arena floor with the bull riders, trying to make sure the bull stays in the ring where it belongs. They may hide out in barrels and appear to be taunting the bulls. The truth is, their job is to ensure that when the rider falls, and the bull goes toward him, the clown’s job is to intervene. Their costumes often have a lot of red and other very bright colors. This is because the bright colors are a great distraction for an angry bull. Once the rider is safely on the fence or out of harms way, the clown will duck into his barrel, jump the fence, or do whatever else he can reach safety.

cindy lou whoThe Best Rodeo Clown Costumes

There are a lot of rodeo clown costumes available. You can change their look with just a little makeup and some creativity. However, because there are some really good choices out there, we are including our top picks.

Inflatable Horse Costume

For a bullfighting clown that wants to really fit into the rodeo scene; you could try the inflatable horse costume. It will allow you to always ride your horse into the sunset at the end of rodeo event.

Bull Rider Costume

What could be better at a rodeo than a rideable bull? With it, a clown can finish his own 8-second ride. If you have one, you can always score good points with the crowd.

Basic Rodeo Clown Outfit

There are costumes and then there are those that allow you to simply be a clown. As a bonus, you can also choose one that has a bull’s eye on the butt. It’s guaranteed to make a bull come after you.

Giggle’s Costume for Women

giggles the clownA woman can get in on some good-natured humor as well with the Giggles Costume. It can work well for distracting bulls and making kids laugh.

A Barrel of Laughs

Rodeo clowns are supposed to hide out in barrels to protect themselves from a bull that they have completely made mad. Instead of finding a barrel to hide in, why not carry it on your suspenders?

Cindy Lou Who

A Cindy Lou Who costume for adults is also a great choice for a true clown. It can be as funny as you want it to be; especially if you add in the red cape for a little extra flare.

Baby Clowns

Although you wouldn’t want a baby on the arena floor with the bulls, it is always cute to have a baby clown become a part of the act. Luckily, there are a lot of great costumes available for infants and toddlers, but the cutest is often the most basic one.

Sad Clown Face

rodeo baby clownThe sad clown can be basically any clown costume. For this, it is all in the makeup. You will want to paint a frown rather than a laugh and throw in some tears for good measure.

The Cowboy Clown

A cowboy will always fit in well at a rodeo event. Therefore, you can choose to go with the cowboy clown look. Some patched jeans, flannel shirt, suspenders, makeup, and don’t forget the cowboy hat and boots.

Inflatable Chunky Female Clown Suit

What could possibly draw more attention than a manly clown showing up in an inflatable woman’s body? Not much if you ask the bulls.